Thursday, April 19, 2012

Nepenthes Basal/stem cutting

I propagate my nepenthes basal/stem cutting using water method. I cut half mineral water bottle and make 2 overflow hole at the bottle (height of water is depends on length of cutting). Below photo taken on 23rd February 2011. Below is N. globosa x kuchingensis basal cutting that I did on 26/Jan/2011. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Below are N. mirabilis full green stem cutting that did on 10/Jan/2011 part of the cutting Upper node that failed to give be off shoot because it is cutted too low . But, lower node still giving me off shoot 2 stem cutting that produce root ____________________________________________________________ From above 2 set of cutting. I learn below 1. basal cutting will produce root faster. 2. when doing stem cutting, make sure didnt accidently cutted those "node" 3. Base on a post at green culture singapore, stem cutting that have leaf will produce root faster. Base on above 2 set of cutting, it seems like it is true. Or may be it produce root faster because it is upper portion of stem cutting. (Not dare to conclude it).

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